This country is indebted to its veterans. If you serve your country, you should take full advantage of the rewards waiting for you. These rewards take the form of “VA benefits,” and they are extremely varied. In truth, there are too many VA benefits to list here. However, five benefits stand out –  and you should consider them first and foremost. These rewards have the potential to change your life. To learn more about VA benefits, don’t hesitate to book a consultation with the Elderly Care Law Firm. 

  • Healthcare Benefits

Veterans get access to their own separate healthcare system. Known as “VA Health Care,” this provides coverage for regular checkups and specialist appointments. Perhaps most notably, this also includes mental health services. For some veterans, these healthcare services are very important immediately after leaving service. These veterans may struggle with injuries sustained during service – including traumatic head injuries, amputations, and hearing loss. 

For others, the true benefits of VA Health Care only become clear many years after leaving service. If you are approaching your senior years and you’re beginning to face health challenges, it’s time to take full advantage of this VA benefit. Many VA Health Care services are specifically geared toward seniors – including home health, geriatric care, and prescriptions. It also covers things like:

  • Inpatient surgeries
  • Genetic disease treatment
  • Kidney dialysis
  • Organ transplant
  • Emergency care

In addition, certain VA benefits focus on certain hazards you might have faced during service. For example, there are separate benefits for those who were exposed to Agent Orange. Others might receive targeted benefits after being exposed to depleted uranium and various chemical hazards. Speak with the Elderly Care Law Firm if you were exposed to these types of toxins during your service. 

  • Educational Benefits

Many people join the armed forces specifically to gain access to these educational benefits. For those leaving the service, educational benefits are very popular. GI Bill benefits have been around since 1944, and you can use these benefits to cover your college tuition. If you’re older and college seems unrealistic, you can transfer your GI Bill benefits to your children and other eligible family members. 

Combined with certain estate planning tools and college funds, GI Bill benefits can help you provide your children with an excellent education. You can implement these benefits into your overall estate planning strategy with help from an estate planning law firm. 

  • Housing Benefits

If you find yourself struggling to access reliable shelter, you probably qualify for various VA benefits specifically for homeless individuals. If you face the risk of homelessness, you can seek foreclosure assistance. There is also the HUD-VASH program, which provides rental assistance to homeless veterans and their families. This program also provides access to healthcare, mental health treatment, and other services. 

If you’re simply trying to buy a home and you are not struggling with homelessness, other VA benefits could help. Some VA programs help veterans purchase their first home – often with more attractive interest rates compared to the general population. You might also buy a home with zero percent down if you take advantage of certain VA benefits. 

  • Disability Compensation

If you need help paying the bills, VA disability compensation could be the answer. This type of financial support is reserved for those who were injured while serving in the military. You might also be eligible if you joined the service with an existing medical condition that became worse. 

The exact amount depends on your disability. If you’re struggling with a very severe disability, you will likely receive more. Examples include loss of limb, spinal cord injury, brain damage, and so on. 

Monthly payments can be quite low if your disability rating is between 10% and 20%. On the other hand, veterans with a 100% disability rating can receive thousands of dollars per month. What makes these payments even more attractive is that they’re adjusted based on increases in the cost of living. With high inflation, you can expect to receive more disability compensation each year. 

Unfortunately, getting approved for VA disability compensation can be difficult. This is why many veterans choose to work with qualified, experienced VA benefits lawyers. These legal professionals can assist with applications, and they can appeal your denials. Often, veterans are only approved after making numerous appeals. 

  • Dental Care

While it is technically a health care benefit, VA dental care is slightly different compared to other medical services. It may be more difficult to get access to, but it is definitely one of the best VA benefits if you qualify. For example, if you were ever a prisoner of war (POW), the VA covers all your dental needs. However, if you served for over 90 days during the Persian Gulf War era, you may only qualify for a one-time dental care benefit. Speak with a VA benefits lawyer to learn more about whether you qualify for dental care – and learn how to make the most of this benefit. 

Don’t Forget State-Specific VA Benefits

While we have covered the top five VA benefits on a federal scale, each state may also have its own set of VA benefits to consider. After exploring the top five benefits in this article, take a look at what your state has to offer. For example, California offers a decent property tax exemption to veterans. There are also three state veterans cemeteries in California that provide no-cost burial services to veterans. 

Contact the Elderly Care Law Firm Today

At the end of the day, it is difficult to determine the top five VA benefits without taking into account your unique needs and priorities. One VA benefit might be extremely useful for one veteran and not another. To discuss your specific circumstances in more detail, why not book a consultation with the Elderly Care Law Firm? We have considerable experience with VA benefits, estate planning, and many other related topics. With our help, you can get the most out of your VA benefits. Reach out now to get started.